About Dawn Holly...
Dawn has been studying and practicing energy healing and providing spiritual guidance for over 40 years as a light worker. My skills Include Reiki, light touch, spirit to spirit, guided meditations, chakra clearing/aligning/balancing, end of life care, crossing over, and when applicable, messages from spirits, guides, and the higher self. Guide to Intention healing and more...
Dawn moved her practice to an office in Vancouver to help during the extreme times 2019 brought us. She entered into palliative care helping the chronically ill and aging feel and cope better, connect with their higher self and spirit guides, and to cross over in some semblance of peace when they are ready. This is strenuous and next level work that is Dawn's pleasure and calling to facilitate, and you are guaranteed divine spiritual care for your bed ridden loved one.
Currently Dawn's focus is on Guided meditations, speaking, and intuitive and intention healing. Ask her about healing with the help of your loved ones or invite her to speak at your next spiritual function.
Dawn considers herself a facilitator of energy for the purpose of transferring divine energy to where it is needed so the client can move forward in life. Dawn combines a catalog of energy modalities to assist in your healing.
If you or someone you love needs help coping or improving their situation, I highly recommend starting energy healing sessions. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a healing treatment, Dawn looks forward to hearing from you.
You are the director of your healing while your spiritual entourage is the orchestra in which that healing will come; You are ready for more than you can imagine is possible!
"It is my pleasure and calling to help others through energy healing"
Heal your energy so you can heal your life.
~Many Blessings~
Dawn Holly Johnson
Light worker
Healing Touch Practitioner
Reiki Master level 4
Intuitive, Empath
Spiritual Mentor
Love Unites Us!