2020 has hit the world hard, so hard that many are having trouble finding their way through the turmoil the year brought. Finances have been reduced, jobs lost, concerns over health, home, family, and finances continue to grow while many people see no end in sight. But it doesn't have to be that way. We can make all our lives better through simple acts of kindness, spiritual practices and healing.
Now more than ever we need to take control over our lives and our future. We can do this through supportive actions that will reverberate through all time. Caring, sharing, and understanding mean more today than they ever have as they create the loving karma that will continue to shape tomorrow. Not all of our sisters and brothers will be able to make the journey without first seeing the possibilities, but for those of us that know all deeds are repaid in kind, we can serve as the light and strength that will change the direction of all our lives.
I do not know the future, but I am pretty sure that if we stop supporting small business we will become dependent on our governments and corporations, and that future only serves the profits of stock holders and not the individual as we've been witness to these past few decades. The world crisis we are currently experiencing is giving us an opportunity to create a world in our image. It is now our time to build a new future that supports each other and our future. One without fear, one where we have our health, happiness, and overall our bond to one another. There are no kind acts too small, making a difference is as easy as making the choice to do it.
As one is healed so is the one standing next them and so on...
Let's make 2021 the year we took back control of our destiny!
Support each other and above all support yourself in your healing.