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  • How to use FAQ
    You can check out any of the topics above or type in one word or sentance in the search bar to find what you are looking for.
  • Do you have packaged rates?
    Yes, and it is recommended to take advantage of the savings of a Plan as ongoing sessions are beneficial in holding your new energy patterns until they are second nature to you. On going sessions are also a benefit for long term support and/or chronic conditions. And It's nice to get a free session or deal from time to time. Check out our Pathways for Current Services, Pricing and Offers! Or go straight to the Offers at Work the Rewards!
  • Can I give a session in my package to a friend or family member?
    Yes, you can! All you have to do is notify us that you are doing so.
  • What makes a package so special?
    Aside from the hundreds of dollars in savings, you also get to try a variety of treatments tailored for your needs. If you have taken part in the Consultation session for full price without any other offers attached to it prior to buying a package, you can include the session in your plan and deduct the cost of the session from the package rate. So you don't skip a beat in your healing. (Conditions may apply)
  • How long do I have to use a package?
    You have one year to use the sessions in your package or ask for a refund on unused sessions. You may also gift your unused sessions to a friend or family. Just let us know. No refunds are given after a year for unused sessions. If a refund is requested on unused sessions in a package rate, all sessions used are prorated at regular price and the remainder is refunded. If any cancellations or missed session fees are due, they will be deducted from the balance before refunded.
  • Can I change packages?
    Yes, after some prorating you can change packages and you will either be refunded the difference or pay the balance.
  • Which package is best for me?
    If this is your first experience with energy healing, a 6 session package may be best for you. It covers several modalities for optimal healing and by the time its completed you and the practitioner will have a better idea on how to move forward. In some cases, a more inclusive package that suits your needs is available. Here are 2 you may wish to consider in the future.. Raising Consciousness for those looking to connect with their higher self and spirit guides. & the Quality of life package for palliative care, crossing over, and chronic illness. Whatever your energy healing needs are, there is a package for you.
  • Do I need to prepare for an energy treatment?
    Energy flows better in a well hydrated body. It is recomended you increase your water intake before and after an energy healling treatment. Start the day before or more, and continue well after the session; drinking plenty of water has many benefits and is a good idea in general. So drink up! Dress comfortably, you will be lying down on a table for about 40 - 60 mins during the treatment. Any jewellery, belts, hair pieces, shoes need to be removed before the treatment. As well, all pockets need to empty. If you have metal implants, please notify us at your first session. This includes, but are not limited to knees, teeth, spinal column, skull... NO PERFUMED SCENTS ALLOWED. You will be asked to leave. More information Get the Most out of your Sessions
  • Do I need a reason to have an energy healng treatment?
    Yes & No, energy healing is a great tool for elevating one's life, mood, and general wellbeing. Each session does require a focus though, so do come with something you'd like to see improved; it can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
  • Can I bring my child to my appointment?
    Sorry, we are not able to attend to children during your treatment. Please insure you have someone to watch them.
  • Can I bring a friend to watch?
    No, there is limited space in the treatment room, and visitors tend to make the sessions run too long and this can cut into your treatment time.
  • Why can't I wear perfumed scents?
    For a couple reasons we ask that you do not wear scents to the office. First of all you will be seeing an Empath and scents can disrupt emapthic abilities. Second, we like to have a scent free zone in our office for the consideration of others who are sensitive or allergic to them. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Do I stay dressed during the treatment?
    Yes, you are fully clothed with exception to shoes and accessories.
  • What do I do during the treatment?
    All you have to do is lie there. On some occasions you may be asked how you are doing, or to take deep breaths or adjust your position.
  • Can I sleep during the treatment?
    Energy healing treatments are very relaxing and falling asleep does happen. We ask that you stay awake, but anyone falling asleep may be asked to wake up.
  • What information is collected?
    The success of your treatment(s) increases when you're open about your health, and it is your responsibility to see that the practitioner has the information needed to provide you with the best session for you.
  • How long do the effects of a treatment last?
    The effects of a treatment can last for days, weeks, or months, or lifetime.
  • How effective is an energy treatment?
    Very! Though there are many variable we may have to work through. The condition of your energy system as it is at the time of your treatment can greatly effect how fast and how well you respond. Other factors depend on what you are dealing with and how long you have had the condition; both can greatly effect your healing time. The longer you have had the condition the more likely you will need several sessions or more. Self care during sessions can also great increase your healing as it maintains the work we do and keeps the momentum of good health in motion.
  • Will I be healed after one session?
    The healing starts with one session. I have had clients heal in one session from chronic pain and more. But it can take several sessions or years in some cases. If we're looking at a long time support, I often recommend clients take time to assimilate the healing we've done with some time off from sessions. A great deal of healing will begin after your first session, though treatment outcomes vary from person to person and visit to visit as our energies can change to extremes from experience to experience in life. The more energy healing you do the more you will experience the snowball effect as healing compounds with each session.
  • Is healing guaranteed?
    Yes & No. There is always healing taking place during a session, althouth the reason for your visit may take several sessions to reverse the effects to where you are able to notice. This is often due to your life circumstances, such as; the length of time you have lived with the condition, how serious is the condition, how much work you are willing to do to facilatate your healing between sessions.
  • What can I expect through ongoing sessions?
    One the first things that become apparent is your ability to cope better. You may find yourself happier than normal, and others seem to change around you. You may also expect areas of your life that you didn't expect to change may change; when energy aligns you may find yourself on a different path with different motivations.
  • Do you do Reiki?
    Yes, I am a level 4 Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher
  • Do you do free sessions?
    Yes & No, if you are interested in long distance sessions and can get a group of people to take part, I facilatate groups to assist in your healing. The first session is free, follow up sessions are $20 for the next 5 sessions, and $50 for each session afterwards. If more than 6 months has passed since your 6th session, the fee reverts back to $20 for the next 5 sessions. Conditions for long distance sessions; a photo is required, a brief on what we are healng, 10+ friends and family to assist you.
  • Do I have to share my medical information?
    Yes, but only that which you are comfortable with sharing. The more you share the more effective your healing can be. However, a complete list of medications and what they are for is required in case something should happen to you while in the office or on the table, and emergency responders are called in to help you.
  • What personal information is required?
    Medications and chronic issues are recommended to be forthcoming with in case of an emergency. Name, age, vocation, medical history, home life, support system, marital/room mate status, practitioners; both medical and naturopathic, pain levels, self care activities, and supplements are also collected; though you can refuse to share.
  • Can I ask to have someone changed or removed from my life?
    No, everyone taking part in an energy healing has to give there permission, exceptions are persons in a coma, those not able to give concent due to a disorder that effects judgement, or is a youth, then the concent of the parent or guardian is required. However, when you heal, those around you that are not willing or able to be in your new energy will often leave your presence without notice. You may also find yourself being drawn to new activities and people.
  • Do you do palliative care?
    Yes, energy healing is great for those facing difficult times, chronic illness, and death. Through ongoing sessions, energy healing can give a sense of well being, greater coping capacity, and in many cases, healing of the illness. Palliative care is recommended twice a week to ensure the clients state remains as high as possible for them and to encourage compounding healing. Once a person starts these sessions, they will soon be looking forward to them. You or your loved one will have the most caring care, filled with fun projects (providing they are up to it), and guided meditations tailored just for them. Anything can happen during these magical meditation journies.
  • How does energy healing work?
    Through energy healing you can align, repair and remove disease from the body.
  • Is there any adverse effects of having a treatment?
    These are very rare and most are taken care of before you leave the office. In rare cases some people will have such an intense session that they may feel light headed. You will be asked when you sit up how you feel, if you feel light headed or have any reactions of discomfort, it is up to you to let the practitioner know before leaving the table.
  • Will I feel anything during the session?
    Some experiences may include, but are not limited to, visions, feelings of euphoria, tingling, twitching, crying, laughter, memories can arise, and in very rare cases convulsions if the person is very sensitive to energy healing techniques; this is not dangerous to the person or practitioner, but the practitioner may choose to use a lower energy frequency for the remainder of the session if the client is uncomfortable. Any uncomfortable or concerning sensations experienced during a treatment should be reported to the practitioner right away. Most sensations are manageable and in many cases welcome as the client gets to experience clearing a new level of being during their session.
  • What can energy healing treatments do for me?
    Energy healing heals the whole body, mind, and spirit. The advantages to your life can be vastly incredible to your well being and how you cope throughout your day. For more a list of how energy healing can work for you, check out the home page of this website and Healing the Body, Mind, & Spirit
  • Do you do guided meditations?
    Yes, see Guided Meditations for more information.
  • Will energy healing clear karma?
    Yes & No. Energy healing can help to make the karmic journey easier to cope through. Choose the path of love over fear based. Often after we have had a life changing event in our lives, there is residual energy that the field holds on to just because it is familiar to the ego. Changing for better or worse is not an ego agenda, but holding onto patterns regardless of how destructive they are is. Ego likes familiarity, and even though it's current environment is hostile, it fears change even more. Removing this stagnant energy allows ego to move happily into unknown territory as the spirit begins to take the lead with confidence and love. Karma can be rewritten, postponed, or healed in cases of past karma that has played out, but has left a mark in the energy field, but karma is still in play.
  • Do you cut energy cords?
    No, as a rule I don't cut cords unless they are shown to me and I am compelled to do so. Cords bond you with another, a united karma is being played out and as each of you traverses through your healing journey in life you are able to heal the karma between you. Such as is with energy healing treatments, you may find the person you wanted to cut the cord with has healed as well.
  • Can I heal myself?
    We are healing everyday, but many find it difficult to heal fast enough on their own and require assistance. It is a great idea to have at least one energy healing treatment to clear stagnent energy and give you a clearer playing field to heal on.
  • How can I heal myself?
    Raise your vibrations, check out the self care section in Get the Most from Your Sessions, and for ideas on how to do this. But pretty much, any activity that makes you feel happy, love, or blissful will heal you. Self-care is very important in raising you vibration, work with your body and home as if the queen were coming for dinner. You are a temple and the more respect you show yourself the higher your vibration. You can also take up a vibration raising activity such as one of the following; Meditation, Qi Gong, Yoga, Thai Chi, Kundalini yoga & meditations, Exercise, Outdoor acitivity, proper Nutrition, and Mindfulness practices. Son't limit yourself, anything that brings you great joy, peace, or love can be very effective in your healing.
  • Do you teach meditation?
    Yes, I am versed in several forms of meditation. I have developed a stradegy for beginners that many find very helpful in achieving their meditation goals.
  • What can I do to support my energy healing treatements?
    Self-care before, during and after treatments can greatly increase the effectiveness and duration of your healing. Recommended self-care plans can include; Meditation, Qi Gong, Yoga, Thai Chi, Kundalini yoga & meditations, Exercise, proper Nutrition, and Mindfulness. But anything that brings you great joy, peace, or love can be very effective in your healing.
  • How do I know which sefl care exercises are right for me?
    We will discuss this after each session, but if the exercise has the ability to bring you joy, peace, or love it is right for you.
  • Why do people around me change when I am going through energy treatments?
    People respond to energy fields and often relate to others in like energy. If you happy, you are more likely to facilitate happiness from others.
  • Can I heal my relationships by taking part in energy healng?
    Yes, as you heal, you are healng those around you, your relationships, your ancestors and whole bloodline from ancestral karma and more. You may notice changes in your relationships after your first session or after several. Happy relationships begin with healing, openness, and patience.
  • When is payment due?
    Payment is required before each session. E-transfers and Paypal are required 2 days in advance, and cash is paid in the office before your session begins. All payments are non-refundable once session starts.
  • What if I miss my session?
    There is a $50 fee for missed sessions if not canceled within 48 hrs of appointment time. Some reasons may be exempt for regular clients. Fees for missed sessions will be taken from payment before refunded, or if paying cash, will be expected at your next session.
  • Can I cancel a package and get a refund?
    Yes, some conditions apply; if the package is canceled then sessions used will be prorated to the full cost of each session before a refund is given. If there is only a few sessions left in your package, it is likely there will little or no refund for remaining sessions.
  • Do you offer reduced rates and payment plans?
    Yes, I will often reduce my rates on single sessons and packages during holidays. Yes, payment plans are available for packages. If it is ia holiday and no offers are listed, please contact Divine Energy, sometimes I get too busy to stay on top of the specials.
  • What if I forget my payment?
    Don't, any sessions not paid for in advance or at the time of the visit are considered cancelled without notice and a $50 fee will apply to your next session.
  • What forms of payment do you take?
    E-transfer (sent to & PayPal (PayPal link can be sent to you via email) are recommended if you want a receipt. Electronic payments are due 2 days prior to session to allow for transaction time. With prior permission, Cash at time of visit is accepted; sorry no receipts are given for cash, but an email saying thank you for your payment can be arranged upon request. If you are paying in installments, e-transfer is preferred. All payments must be paid in full before treatment begins.
  • What information is collected?
    The success of your treatment(s) increases when you're open about your health, and it is your responsibility to see that the practitioner has the information needed to provide you with the best session for you.
  • Is healing guaranteed?
    Yes & No. There is always healing taking place during a session, althouth the reason for your visit may take several sessions to reverse the effects to where you are able to notice. This is often due to your life circumstances, such as; the length of time you have lived with the condition, how serious is the condition, how much work you are willing to do to facilatate your healing between sessions.
  • Why am I signing a waiver?
    Every health and beauty practicioner requires that you take responsibility for your personal safety, and this includes when you seek out someone to assist you. A waiver protects the practicioner, the company, and the building you are visiting from legal actions if you should experience any negative outcomes from the treatment or being on the premisses. Waivers also explain some of these potential outcomes so you can make an informed dicision.
  • When is payment due?
    Payment is required before each session. E-transfers and Paypal are required 2 days in advance, and cash is paid in the office before your session begins. All payments are non-refundable once session starts.
  • Is there a waiver?
    Yes, a waiver will be signed before your first treatment. Please show up at least 15 minutes early to your first appointment to complete the paperwork.
  • What if I miss my session?
    There is a $50 fee for missed sessions if not canceled within 48 hrs of appointment time. Some reasons may be exempt for regular clients. Fees for missed sessions will be taken from payment before refunded, or if paying cash, will be expected at your next session.
  • What if I miss my session?
    There is a $50 fee for missed sessions if not canceled within 48 hrs of appointment time. Some reasons may be exempt for regular clients. Fees for missed sessions will be taken from payment before refunded, or if paying cash, will be expected at your next session.
  • Can I cancel a package and get a refund?
    Yes, some conditions apply; if the package is canceled then sessions used will be prorated to the full cost of each session before a refund is given. If there is only a few sessions left in your package, it is likely there will little or no refund for remaining sessions.
  • Can I cancel a package and get a refund?
    Yes, some conditions apply; if the package is canceled then sessions used will be prorated to the full cost of each session before a refund is given. If there is only a few sessions left in your package, it is likely there will little or no refund for remaining sessions.
  • Do I have to use my sessions consecutively?
    No, but it is to your healing advantage to use your sessions at least once a week or more, but you have a year to use them if you like.
  • Do I have to share my medical information?
    Yes, but only that which you are comfortable with sharing. The more you share the more effective your healing can be. However, a complete list of medications and what they are for is required in case something should happen to you while in the office or on the table, and emergency responders are called in to help you.
  • What personal information is required?
    Medications and chronic issues are recommended to be forthcoming with in case of an emergency. Name, age, vocation, medical history, home life, support system, marital/room mate status, practitioners; both medical and naturopathic, pain levels, self care activities, and supplements are also collected; though you can refuse to share.
  • What forms of payment do you take?
    E-transfer (sent to & Paypal (Paypal link can be sent to you via email or you can opt to pay through the Divine Energy Healing website) are recommended if you want a receipt. Electronic payments are due 2 days prior to sesson to allow for transaction time. Cash at time of visit is accepted; sorry no receipts are given for cash, but an email saying thank you for your payment can be arranged upon request. If you are paying in installments, e-transfer is preferred. All payments must be paid in full before treatment begins.
  • Do you speak at events?
    Yes, I available to speak at small events as well as take you and your group through guided meditations. Contact me to learn more about topics and prices.
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